February 13, 2010

Inspiration Board: February

Hey guys,

I've always loved collages and tacking things up on my board that inspire me or make me smile, but a few weeks ago when I couldn't sleep a few weeks ago, I stayed up and cut apart some February issues of fashion magazine and made an inspiration board.

I know a lot of mag editors do this to keep their creativity flowing, and I think that's awesome and it also gives me a fun arts and crafts project to do in my spare time.

I can't wait to do the March edition.

Have a good weekend all!



  1. Kimya, I think this is such a great idea. I wish I had a spare cork-board, and also an ounce of free time, to get the project done! Maybe I will set some time aside this weekend. It really is inspiring. :)

  2. Thanks girl! Maybe we can get together and cut and paste all of our emotions out. LOL.

  3. Oh that would be awesome, I would love it! :) That is pretty much exactly what I need.
